Sample Questions:
Question: 1
An Alexa Skill Builder is troubleshooting issues with a custom skill backed by an AWS Lambda function that integrates with an external API controlling a light bulb. The Builder observes that when saying “Alexa, turn on the light” the response is “light is not responding” and 10 seconds later, the light turns on. What is the MOST likely cause for this issue and how can it be solved?
A. The Lambda function is not executing fast enough. Double the currently specified Lambda memory allocation in the Lambda basic settings section.
B. The default Lambda function timeout setting is too short and the Lambda function times out before the response from the external API can be processed and a reply can be sent back to Amazon AlexA. Increase the Lambda timeout limit.
C. There are too many concurrent Lambda functions running, causing the existing Lambda function to Block and then time out before a response can be returned to Amazon AlexA. Increase the Lambda function reserve concurrency value to 30, then verify that the function can complete its work within 10 seconds.
D. There is a bug in the Lambda function code preventing the external API from being called. Enable Lambda debugging and error handling and check Amazon CloudWatch Logs for the error, then modify the code accordingly.
Answer: D
Question: 2
An Alexa Skill Builder wants to create a skill that asks the user two yes/no QUESTION NO:s:
Alexa:Do you like cats?
Alexa:Do you like dogs?
When the username answers “yes”, how should the Builder code the handler to know which QUESTION NO: The answer refers to?
A. Using session attributes, store the previous Question: as the context for use in theAMAZON.YesIntent handler.
B. Within theAMAZON.YesIntenthandler, prompt the user to repeat the name of the animal that they like.
C. Within theAMAZON.YesIntenthandler, define a slot to store and retrieve the previously asked QUESTION NO:.
D. Access Amazon CloudWatch Logs and retrieve the previous Question: topic from the recent log messages.
Answer: C
Question: 3
An Alexa Skill Builder has created a custom skill about basketball including aHowToPlayBasketballintent. When looking at the Intent History page in the developer console, the Builder sees that a number of users are asking the skill how to play baseball. The Builder wants to add a relevant response directing the user back to the topic of basketball. How should the Builder implement this?
A. AddAMAZON.FallbackIntentand respond with a message about baseball in the handler
B. Create a custom intent related to baseball, and when matched, provide a relevant response
C. Add more sample utterances related to baseball in theHowToPlayBasketballintent
D. Create a new custom baseball slot and add a slot-filling utterance to theHowToPlayBasketballintent.
Answer: A
Question: 4
An Alexa Skill Builder needs to set up an Amazon Alexa skill beta test. What user identifier should be used to add beta testers?
A. AWS account number
B. Alexa user email address
C. Amazon vendor ID
D. Amazon customer ID
Answer: B
Question: 5
An Alexa Skill Builder did not include a display template in a skill. When the skill is used with an Amazon Alexa enabled device with a screen, cards used in the skill are:
A. rendered as a gray screen.
B. rendered using the skill icon as the foreground image.
C. rendered using the skill icon as the background image.
D. rendered usingBodyTemplate1.
Answer: D
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